Terorisme dan perang dalam al-quran


  • Nuralin saleh IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo


This essay was written to help people understand the prohibitions of the Koran and the dangers of terrorism and war by examining the meaning of these concepts in the holy verses of the Koran. The focus here is on the verses in the Koran that refer to terrorism and battle. This article was written using the literature study approach, which entails compiling a list of books, journals, and articles that address the topic at hand. An examination of the meanings of "terrorism" and "war" and a summary of the relevant verses from the Koran are presented here. There is a dark side to both terrorism and conflict. However, if it goes too far, it could endanger many people, and that's why this article's findings are useful for preventing acts of terrorism and conflict.


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2024-10-12 — Diperbaharui pada 2024-10-13


Cara Mengutip

saleh, N. (2024). Terorisme dan perang dalam al-quran. Al-Manar: Jurnal Kajian Alquran Dan Hadis, 10(1), 63–86. Diambil dari https://almanar.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/al-manar/article/view/15 (Original work published 12 Oktober 2024)


