A. Animasi Ubay merupakan produksi animasi berbasis al-Qur'an ,B. Analisis Akeologi dan Relevansi Teologi dalam platfroam Yufids kidz ,C. Resepsi Al-Qur'an yang Di dapat dalam serial Ubay
Living Al-Qur'an; Reception ; Animation and theologyAbstract
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi resepsi Al-Qur'an terkait teologi di era digital melalui platform YouTube, fokus pada serial animasi "Ubay" dalam kanal Yufid Kids. Menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, analisis dilakukan pada beberapa episode seperti "Siapa Allah" dan "Kenapa Kita Harus Sholat". Melalui teori resepsi Ahmad Rofiq, penelitian ini menyoroti bagaimana konsep Allah dipahami dan diterima oleh anak-anak, sambil menekankan peran orang tua dalam memberikan pemahaman agama. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa animasi ini memberikan pendekatan estetis dan eksegesis, memperkenalkan konsep agama dengan visual menarik, bahasa sederhana, dan penggambaran kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini melengkapi keterbatasan studi sebelumnya dan menunjukkan adaptasi pesan Al-Qur'an dalam konteks teknologi serta respons masyarakat di era digital
[This research explores the reception of the Koran regarding theology in the digital era via the YouTube platform, focusing on the animated series "Ubay" on the Yufid Kids channel. Using qualitative descriptive methods, analysis was carried out on several episodes such as "Who is Allah" and "Why We Must Pray". Through Ahmad Rofiq's reception theory, this research highlights how the concept of Allah is understood and accepted by children, while emphasizing the role of parents in providing religious understanding. Research findings show that this animation provides an aesthetic and exegetical approach, introducing religious concepts with attractive visuals, simple language, and depictions of everyday life. This research complements the limitations of previous studies and shows the adaptation of the message of the Koran in the context of technology and society's response in the digital era.]
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______"Belajar Doa Harian https://youtube.com/playsit?list= PluKSI6JsstdV Y8HUjoXDWhl_JVKyZsedp&si=6GraLXKe4bxx3G8A
______"Mengenal Angka": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCeQjF1woeM&list=PLukSl6JsstdWVBFBdcOKoctj-5WB-XWJ1&pp=iAQB
______"Yufid Kids Other ": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW21i0_3bKI&list=PLukSl6JsstdXsadeReq9MglUGGZlXS4Q3&pp=iAQB
______"Membiasakan Kalimat Thayyibah": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA7NWgqhFEQ&list=PLukSl6JsstdVP7Gfcy3JU1-30HiQ_XMSe&pp=iAQB
______"Belajar Huruf Alfabet": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYbroMkTgsM&list=PLukSl6JsstdX1glSx09ciHd4Fkt2btegC&pp=iAQB
______"Lagu Anak-Anak": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4SCdpIOJTo&list=PLukSl6JsstdVgXIW48zEKy3n_Z_sMj1om&pp=iAQB
______"Cerita Ubay": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKyRSN7nes0&list=PLukSl6JsstdWFWrpus6JEAWkPyLgMMWHt&pp=iAQB
______"Mengenal Kosakata": Mengenal Kosakata Playlis_"Mengenal Hewan dalam Al-Qur'an":https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLukSl6JsstdX04NHC Xdd7qLikw2w61wUq
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